School contact information as well as resources for students currently enrolled in a Trades and Transitions program.


Visit here to see more photos and news stories of past events and programs from the SD73 Career Development department.


To learn more about the wide range of events and programs offered by the SD73 Career Development Department, visit the District Career Programs and Events Handbook.


All applications for the Youth Train In Trades (YTIT) programs, NorKam Trades Sampler programs, Hairstylist program, Digital Arts and Technology Academy (D.A.T.A.), Health Sciences Academy, TRU Start Courses, and TRU Start programs such as Business FoundationsEarly Childhood Education, Education Assistant and Community SupportHealth Care AssistantPolice and Justice StudiesPower Engineering, and Regenerative Agriculture are due to your school TNT Coordinator by Friday, December 13, 2024.


School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) school-based Trades and Transitions Coordinators are:


@KOOL  Laurel Seafoot
Barriere Secondary  Kim Fennell
Brocklehurst Secondary  Matthew Leclerc
Chase Secondary  Darren Seibel 
Clearwater Secondary  Dayton Fraser 
Kamloops School of the Arts  Suanne Wallin
Logan Lake Secondary  Ron Collins 
NorKam Secondary  Carrie Graham
Sa-Hali Secondary  Joanna Douglas
South Kamloops Secondary  Karla Thompson 
Twin Rivers Education Centre Sandip Sadhra
Valleyview Secondary  Emily Aldred 
Westsyde Secondary  Chris Gremaud

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