Trades Experience - Youth Work in Trades Program

Any student who was or is working part time or full time during the summer and with a ticketed tradesperson is eligible for the Youth Work in Trades Program. Students may earn up to 16 high school credits (four senior courses), while also accumulating apprenticeship hours with SkilledTradesBC, giving them a "head start" if they choose to pursue an apprenticeship in a recognized trade.

To enrol in the program students must be:

  • Working or have worked in a paid position (includes honorariums), with WorkSafeBC coverage
  • Working or have worked with a qualified tradesperson (journeyperson or Red Seal)

With 900 hours and a C+ average on grade 12 courses students are eligible to receive a $1,000 award towards further trades training.

Who Attends: This is an opportunity for students 15 years and older who meet the enrolment criteria stated above.

Date: Students can enrol any time during the year through their school Trades and Transitions (TNT) coordinator, or by emailing the District Trades and Transitions Department. 

Application:  Youth Work in Trades Registration  (Please print one-sided)

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