Trades Career Fair

Trades Career Fair

The Career Development Department is hosting a career fair evening, to support students in grade 10 and 11 with their career exploration in the Trades. Career Education and Trades and Transitions are working closely to support students with resume development, and introductions to employers seeking part time and summer students in the Trades. 

Students will begin their work with their Trades and Transitions Coordinator or Career Education Teacher to begin a professional, trades focused resume. Each student chosen to participate will have a one-on-one resume workshop with the District Career Education Coordinator.

The Career Fair evening will consist of dinner, where students will be seated with local industry leaders in their preferred career cluster of construction, mechanical/industrial, or restaurant/hospitality. During dinner students will learn about the Youth Work in Trades program, where students working with a Journeyperson or Red Seal Tradesperson can earn high school credits and be eligible to receive a $1000 award towards further trades training.  Following dinner, students and employers will have a chance to mix and mingle with employers to find a great work fit. 

Location: Coast Hotel and Conference Centre, 1250 Rogers Way
Date: update - Wednesday, May 7, 2025 (previously May 1, 2025)

Students: Students must work with their school Trades and Transitions (TNT) Coordinator to meet admission requirements. 

Employers: If you are an employer interested in participating in the Career Fair, contact Sheila Brown by phone at 250-819-2472 or by email.

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